CKC F1B Cavapoo Female, “Roselin,” born 8/2’23. $1,550
The prospective purchaser never sent her money for this puppy or her expenses to ship. She has her Rabies vaccination and a health certificate.
CKC F1B Cavapoo puppy born 8/2’23. I have one female. Mother is a Cavapoo and Dad is a Poodle. She is completely will be vaccinated and eating PawTree dry food. Parents are in the 12 lb. range.
Mother’s pick is, of her last litter, a year ago.
She will be age appropriately vaccinated, wormed, Vet Checked, had her Bravecto, and eating well.
She has had 2 NeoPar for parvo, 3 Nobivac 5, DAPPv, Bordatella, and Rabies. This schedule is approved by my veterinarian. They have been for their well-baby vaccination.
I provide proof of vaccination, and their CKC registration form.